
Expert & Affordable Pest Control 
 throughout Cheshire, Merseyside and Greater Manchester 

For quality bedbug treatments in Warrington, contact Budget Pest Services. We are available 24 hours a day and can reach anywhere in Warrington. 


Adult bedbugs are 4-5mm in length, wingless and mahogany brown.
They have long well-developed walking legs with tarsal claws for clinging on to the host during feeding.
Female bedbugs lay eggs throughout their life. They usually produce 2 to 3 per day. A female bedbug can live for months so can produce 400 - 500 eggs in her lifetime. The eggs are deposited all around the environment in which the bedbug is living and are about 1mm long and whitish. The nymph which emerges from eggs after about 10 days at 22C is a small version of the adult and feeds on blood.
hand after bed bugs biting

Reducing the menace of bedbugs efficiently 

  • The close association of bedbugs with human beings means that they can cause substantial nuisance through blood feeding. They feed at night on humans when they are sleeping.
  • If the infestation is high, there can be a risk of anaemia being suffered by the person, although this is rare.
  • The nuisance and itching caused by the bites and possibly secondary infection is more common.
  • Domestic animals may also be attacked.
bugs on the bed

Bedbug control 

A thorough inspection needs to be carried out to determine the extent and source of the infestation.

It should be noted that there is no easy fix in eradicating bedbugs. There should be 2 treatments for every room. These are carried out about a month apart using different insecticidal groups.

The reason for failure is lack of thoroughness. If there is just 1 bedbug remaining after treatment, at whatever stage in its life cycle, then reinfestation will recur.

Bedding and clothing containing bedbugs is removed and bagged prior to cleaning. All areas are thoroughly vacuumed. Insecticide is then applied to floors, beds, curtains, walls, skirting boards and picture rails and any cracks and crevices. Even electrical sockets are removed and treated. The whole process is repeated one month later.

We would recommend that mattresses that have been infested with bedbugs are fitted with mattress encasements. These encasements will contain any bugs that remain on the mattress. Barrier devices are also available to prevent bedbugs climbing the bed legs.

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Call Budget Pest Services on
07704 231 181 or 01925 818 309 
 for bedbug treatment in Warrington.

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